Honeycomb Softwares


In today’s era, it’s very difficult for principals, teachers and parents to look after their child each and every time. So, here I am with the best solution by providing a School Day App. It should be useful by all these 3 factors: Admin, Teacher and Parent(Student).

Development Stack



Built for

Mobile Application




Client’s Requirement

Client want application where they can manage their School day to day record of Teacher & Student activities. Also management can add notifications too. There are 4 types of Notifications: Events, Announcements and Notice and Notification. Events like: Sport day, Indian festival celebrations. Announcements like: School day fancy dress competition, Yoga class in the morning.
Key Result

Solution of Project

We offer client a Schoolday app where Admin has two parts: Student side- Admin through managing, monitoring and storing students and teacher’s data and Staff side: Here admin can see the leaves applied by teachers Leave type, Applied by the particular teacher name, Duration: how many days and lastly it can show the total number of leaves. And also, Admin can Approve or Reject leave directly in this section.

Key Features

Admin: Here we have two sections for Student and Staff.

Admin can add Attendance, Homework, Exam.

download the exam result and timetable.

leave management

upload camera images

attach the documents and PDF files